So I tell my kids to be fearless, so it’s about time I take my own advice!
I need to talk about the upcoming election.
I’m opening myself up to criticism, and it is not comfortable, but I feel morally compelled to speak up. If not me, then who?
Those who know me, know I have traveled extensively and have lived in Europe 5 years and Asia 8 years. I have been able to compare the life of Europeans and Asians to Americans. We can benchmark our country against the best in the world, and we can progress!
Today I want to talk about taxes.
The USA is a very wealthy nation but the wealth is concentrated to the billionaire class. If you do a quick google search under “are the rich getting richer”, the answer is a resounding yes. Working families are getting poorer while billionaires have become 34% richer since 2020 according to Oxfam! Their wealth has grown 3 times the inflation rate, has yours?
Look, I grew up in a red state, and I understand how all of the noise about the border, woke-ism, abortion etc can be super distracting. Republicans are using these emotional topics to divide us and distract us so we vote against our interests.
The billionaires who fund Republican candidates and give lavish gifts to the Supreme Court (ie Harlan Crow to Clarence Thomas etc) want you to blame your tight financial situation on immigrants or on those different than you or on Biden. But that’s not who is making your life difficult. What is actually tearing the fabric of our nation is that the rich are getting inordinately richer… most Americans are just trying to make ends meet.
A strong middle class grows our economy, more people have money in their pockets to spend and stimulate the economy. I have an MBA from NYU, if there’s a strong middle class, the economy booms. What “Made America Great” in the past was a solid and growing middle class and higher taxes on the ultra rich. Just search up tax rates historically in the US, I ask you to simply vote for your economic interests.
It’s as simple as this: If you are not in the top .1%, you benefit from voting for the Democratic Party.
Let’s stop socialism for the rich and make our government invest in the American people. And if you are uber rich, don’t you want to live in a country where children can get a free school lunch if their parents can’t afford it and where someone facing a medical issue doesn’t become homeless due to lack of insurance?
We can use the money to pay down the debt, give better public education and higher education opportunities to your kids and grandkids, increase access to health and dental care for all, and lower prescription drug prices… and the list goes on, there’s so much more we can do if we vote for what is right and fair, and what benefits 99.9% of us!