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After residing in Japan for the past eight years, I've closely observed the developments in the USA. The possibility of Trump securing another term is deeply unsettling.

Hello I’m Kristi Keoughan


As a registered and active voting Democrat my entire adult life, a working woman and as a mother, I BELIEVE I CAN BEST REPRESENT DEMOCRATS ABROAD.


I’ve worked in the Netherlands and Japan as finance executive at GE, NBC and Time Warner. Corporations AND THE WEALTHY need TO pay their fair share of taxes. Joe Biden is focused on correcting the extreme INCOME INEQUALITY by taxing the ultra- wealthy and corporations their fair share. Billionaires should not be paying a lower effective tax rate than a teacher! I am a voice for women’s rights. If Donald Trump is elected, that will be the end of a women’s right to choose. As a mother, it’s my responsibility to step up now to defend our freedom over our bodies and life choices for my daughters. One of my children identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community.


I want to make sure that they can become their best version of their self and live free of discrimination. IF TRUMP GETS ELECTED, ALL THE PROGRESS WE MADE WITH CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ENVIRONMENT WILL BE REVERSED. Gun Control - Most Americans want common sense gun control but the extreme right gun lobby keeps paying politicians. We need to move in the right direction! Most importantly we need to ensure that Biden gets re-elected so that the Supreme Court will not get even further loaded with extreme conservative justices.


I’ve been active for many years with the League of Women Voters in Orlando Florida and I plan to work with them and Orange County Democrats to sign up voters and get out the vote this summer. And I’ve recently gotten involved with Democrats Abroad in Japan and I’m focused on getting the Vote from Abroad message out and aiding with GOTV activities.


The Democratic party could always use more female voices. I have a different set of life experiences and feel like I can be a voice for Biden’s agenda. Every one of his plans directly impacts me and my family and I’m focused on doing everything I can to make a difference to swing this election to Joe Biden and Democrats down the ticket. WHAT MAKES YOU THE BEST CANDIDATE? At this point in my life, I have the time to dedicate TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. I AM SUPER PASSIONATE ABOUT EDUCATING PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT THEIR VOTE MEANS AND GETTING THE VOTE OUT. I have the energy and moral courage to make a difference. By attending in August, I hope to bring back to DA Asia Pacific organization ideas & tactics to GET OUT THE VOTE in Japan and I will spend the summer in Florida getting involved in everything I can do to turn Florida Blue.

DNC Delegate Campaign 2024

DNC Delegate Campaign 2024

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Interview with Kristi Keoughan 2024

Interview with Kristi Keoughan 2024

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